Parental Involvement

There are many way to become involved at SBS, and we truly appreciate our volunteers no matter how much time they are able to give. The following are examples of volunteer opportunities: Class Parents: Two to three room parents are needed for each class. Room parents take care of phone chains to announce upcoming events in the school or classroom. Class parents also help teachers with field trip arrangements, refreshments or other special classroom activities. Class parents are also a contact source for new parents to provide them with information, i.e. uniform policy, etc. Room parents typically are active PTCO members who engage and encourage class families to support school wide events and fundraisers. Notice Translators: Parents fluent in both Spanish & English are needed to help SBS with our ongoing effort to improve communications by translating school notices from English to Spanish. Scholastic Book Fairs: Volunteers set up, assist children with book selection and sales and pack up books at the end of the fair. Harvest Fair: This annual fall SBS family tradition needs volunteers to plan the event, set up, man booths, bake, and clean up. Bingo Night/Movie Night/Tag Sale: Volunteers are needed to organize and run these winter and spring events. Picture Day: Parents assist the photographers with forms, and assembling students in a timely manner.